LaDuca's Works

A glimpse into the mind of me

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

New Beginnings

Once again i find myself faced with another new chapter to life. A chapter that will be filled with uncertainty, hardships, hope, and sometimes failure. Nevertheless, this is something that I am truly grateful for. Call it an early Christmas gift, but it is truly nice to know that I can breath a little easier this December.
Speaking of December, the special time of the year is upon us. A time filled with strangers greeting each other, people extending a helping hand out toward less fortunate, and yes, a time where people find themselves in a world of joy. Though, this could be purely from my perspective for I am a huge fan of Christmas and what it represents. This is the time of year, where I can forget about the rougher parts of my life because I know I will always have a hand to pick me up if I fall down. A time a year where I see more smiling and laughing then any other time. Christmas time is about family, about helping and understanding, and about selflessness. I sometimes forget throughout the year how good I might have it, even though sometimes I see my life with patches of rough spots. As cheesy as this may sound, after watching a few Made for Hallmark Christmas movies I feel an unusual spark deep within my soul wanting to reach out and hug everyone. I suggest that who ever is out there reading this blabbering blog, you try and watch a few. Get yourself past the cheesiness and just enjoy the story. You might find yourself better off after watching and understanding others perspectives.
Well, thanks for listening out there, it has been my pleasure to be heard. I assure you, I will try and keep this up much better than I have in the past. I have a knew perspective on life and I'm hoping that maybe I can shed some of my own upon anyone who is willing to allow.


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