LaDuca's Works

A glimpse into the mind of me

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Welcome one, welcome all

Originally posted- Feb 25, 2008

Today was a particulary hard day, considering it was a Monday and unlike the rest of the days of the week, this one often comes with its own case, which is generally referred to as "a case of the Mondays." Yes, the one day of the week that seems to drag unwhilling long as you stare desperately at your clock hoping that those digitals speed up. Yet to no pravail your weak and rather shotty attempt to control time just ends up falling flat and ultametly seems to slow time down. Hmmm, so how does one get around a "case of the Mondays"? Well there is always the drink one silly attempt on Sunday night which in hopes forces you to avoid monday all together by playing hooky and aiding your overly endulged hangover. But that doesn't help me since well, I am not a drinker. Oh wait, there is the pretend to work theory that actually takes a lot of work in itself to make sure that your boss doesn't walk around the corner and catch you playing your umpteenth game of book-worm. So the last option, aside from actually barrelling through your day by actually working, is actually my favorite of the three. The stare aimlessly into space and get lost in one thoughts. Yes! a perfect time to make that list of things to get done after work, or that grocery list of things you need to buy but most likely shouldn't because the winter fat isn't helpful in the summer. So to all my readers, which makes it like 1 or 2 of you. You are not alone. We all face the horrid day called Monday. Some might face it chin first while others perfer to slouch their way through it. Regarless on how you actually face this beast, remember. Tomorrow is Tuesday, which is you think about it, its actually 6 days away from


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