LaDuca's Works

A glimpse into the mind of me

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Something a little older

Arrr- Booty!

This is still one of my favorite pieces..... I love pirates!

So I finished this off

It was about time I got around to posting this. It was an interesting process over all. This was a two day process (aside from the van) It took me about a day to lay everything out for the environment and then light it. Then I added textures and whatnot the next day followed by renders. The last phase was photoshop touchup. I am pretty happy with it overall

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Oh yeah, I have been working on a Van

I have been working on a van to practice my modeling, lighting and texturing skills!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Most recent work!

SO I have been trying to brush up on my texturing and just overall 3d Skills! So I pumped this out and have been fixing it here and there.

Up and Ready to Blog!

I have been skimming the net and checking out peoples sites and wouldn't you know it, everyone has a blog page! So i figured I should jump on th eband wagon and get myself in gear and hopefully set everything up to where its easy to read and so forth! So here I go...