LaDuca's Works

A glimpse into the mind of me

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Originally posted- March 2, 2008

After a long trip back to Wisconsin from Chicago (not really but a good 2.5 hours) I had time to reflect and think about life in general. What did I think about? Just the usual things that people think about when they drive; "wow, did that guy seriously eat that booger?", "I wonder if anything good will ever come up on my ipod?" You know, nothing pertaining to actually driving. Today was different, i thought about change and how change can really affect your life. Not that type of change where you can't stand a certain song so you want to change it, seriously, i think my wife was drunk ituning and downloaded the whole collection of New Kids on the block. Rather todays thought of change came in athe form of family and how quickly family can change on you. One minute you remember playing outfront, shooting hoops with someone and the next minute you two never have time to think of shooting hoops, let alone actually shooting them. So to direct myself more to my point of where I am heading I will re-route this simple, yet sloppy blog in the right direction. I stayed at my in-laws house for past few days and I have come to love this family. There are 8 brothers and sisters all together, including my wife, and then their is the puppy charlie, or as I liked to call him, humpy because he loves to lay in and have a good time. My wife is the second oldest of the 8, the oldest already moved out and is living a great life with her husband. Anyhow! back to my point. I see changes already happening in the family. Not bad, not good, but normal run of the mill changes such as certain people not hanging with other certain people and bad decisions being made by other individuals. Yet, all I can do is sit back and watch as if I was an outsider piering in through some window wanting to help everyone out but no one is looking my way. Yes, this is normal. Yes, most people have to find things out on their own, but sometimes I wish I could just step in and say hey, maybe ou should think of doing it this way. Full knowing that my stepping in could actually alter the entire space time theory and somehow create a gigantic rip that could ultamtely and single handedly wipe out all life as I know it.....i breathe, take a step back, and let life take its course. But does it always have ot be this way? Is there a possibility that maybe, just maybe, someone wil grasp what I might mention and think to them self, "Hmm, maybe he was right and I should make the other choice." Either way I often fine myself trying to put right things and situations that should be out of my control yet I feel like someone might need my help ( even though. lets face it, its not like i will be all that helpful anyhow) So, as I drove today I thought about change and how change affects everyone. Even in the simpliest matters. I thought about how this weekend I had an amazing time with this amazing family who had truly taken me in as their own. And I thought about how should cherish that thought and keep it dear to me cause this could change at any moment and the dynamics could forever be altered. Once again readers, all 2 of you (come on fan base, do something here!) remember what you have at this moment. Take anything good you have and anything that just puts a smile on your face and lock that in your vault. You never know when you might need it down that long and twisting road called life. Because when that sun sets and your cruising along that road and you need something bright to help give you direction, you just might take out that one time. Its those times that keep us motivated to keep going, and loving life.

the ramblings of a mad man.....heck yeah!


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